The Anunnaki: What if they continue among us? (Video)
Imagine that we, humans, could have been genetically modified by an extraterrestrial race to be their slaves and that the so-called "men of the stars" cohabited with us thousands of years ago ..

Yes, this happened with the ancient Anunnaki, who through their messages claimed that they were on Earth from a remote past and confirm that since then they were among human beings. So, who are the Anunnaki?
For those who are not clear about who they were (or are they?) The Anunnaki, also called Anunna (sons of An), were the confined gods of the underworld. It is even mentioned that they lived in Dulkug or Dulku, whose translation would be something like "holy mountain (or mound)".
The Sumerian people cited them in a story called "The Descent of Innana into the Underworld," where the Anunnaki are identified as the 7 judges of the Underworld. But the versions of who they are or were not always coincide. For others they represent a family formed by immature gods, separated from their parents and abandoned in a world that was recovering from a battle with the star of death.

Why did the Anunnaki come to our planet? The stories are confusing, to the point that two qualified historians did not agree on their respective theories. Martin indicates that there was a clash between Nibiru and one of his moons, so they had to get on a spaceship and came to Earth to colonize it with twelve couples.
Instead, it is argued that the Anunnaki came in search of metals that were running out on their planet. Both do agree that the Anunnaki created the men to serve them. Or if they prefer another form of qualification, after creating them genetically they enslaved the men to exploit them.
Corey Goode known in the world as an intuitive empathic (IE) with premonitory skills, says he worked 20 years in secret space programs and secret government operations. During this period, he witnessed a lot of very strange events and visited places he did not even know existed.
One of the most interesting of these was an underground chamber where the ancient "Anunnaki" an alien race that were held in hibernation, since time immemorial. According to Goode, the chamber was built by an ancient creative race, and the Anunnaki who were hibernating seemed to be the last of their kind.
A number of these Anunnaki were kept in the glass pods, in a state similar to death. But they were not dead. At the time of its demise, this civilization had the technological capabilities that exceeded our current technology.
Are they among us? Yes, they were always among us but the great difference of which we have record, is that the Anunnaki who were among us from time immemorial do not belong to the realization, but they give their progress and our progress to the high positions of this race.
They go out and come from our planet forever, maybe it is possible that at some point in our lives those who can pick up unidentified objects can see them seeing their inputs and outputs .. What do you think about it? Watch the following video and leave us your comment below!
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