Giant extraterrestrials from Voronezh: A case of extreme contact
On October 10, 1989, televisions from half the world opened their journals with surprising news: An Unidentified Flying Object had landed on a public park in Voronezh, a population of the Soviet Union causing great expectation and fear ...

The juicy news, offered by the Tass Agency, ran like wildfire and hundreds of newspapers took care to capture in their pages the events that were narrated from the almost unknown Soviet Union. It was even read in the telex sent to the European agencies that the UFO emerged some strange and gigantic beings accompanied by a robot that made a child disappear in the vicinity, using for it a kind of "ray gun".
We recall some of the press releases reproduced in some media: "USSR: scientists confirm the landing of a UFO. Special report from the Russian agency Tass: a UFO lands in a park in Voronezh, Russia. Four 3-meter-tall aliens leave the ship, causing panic among the crowd of fleeing spectators. The events had happened at 6.30 pm on Wednesday, September 27, when several children playing in the park in the Russian city of Voronezh, and people waiting for the bus had seen a pink light in the sky, which later became a balloon dark red, approximately 10 m in diameter.
According to Vladimir Lebedev, correspondent of the Tass Agency, in Voronezh, many children had witnessed the landing of the UFO and subsequent descent of several aliens in the park. Dressed in a silver jumpsuit, bronze-colored boots and a three-meter-high chest disk with a tiny head and three eyes, one of the supposed aliens left the ship accompanied by a robot. 'The alien emitted a sound and drew on the earth a luminous triangle of about 30 by 50 cm that disappeared quickly.
The strange creature touched the robot's chest, and it began to walk. At that moment, one of the children screamed in terror, the alien looked at him and the boy was paralyzed. Afterwards, the alien pointed to one of the youths with a 'weapon', an object similar to a half-meter long tube, and the boy disappeared instantly, to reappear when the being returned to his ship and it left at great speed " .
But the most irritating of the matter, as indicated by the owner, was the confirmation of the phenomenon by scientists of the University of Voronezh. "A team of scientists from the Geophysics laboratory, 500 km from Moscow, has confirmed the recent landing of an unidentified flying object -OVNI-, while they have located footprints of aliens, which according to eyewitnesses measured from three to four meters and they had a very small head. Beside them, a small robot descended from the ship. "We have identified the landing site by biolocation systems," Tass Genrij Silanov, head of Voronezh's Geophysics laboratory, told reporters. 'We detected a circle of 20 m in diameter, in which four slits of 4 to 5 cm deep and 14 to 16 cm in diameter each are seen, located in the four points of a rhombus. We found a mysterious red stone '.
The scientist added that the analysis of the mysterious red rock showed that there are no analogous substances on Earth, although more research is needed for a definitive conclusion.The journalist Vladimir Ledevev indicated that the scientists of the laboratory also found a hole in which, according to the analyzes, the supposed extraterrestrial ones took samples of the land ". Could you ask for more to a UFO landing? Multiple witnesses, traces on the ground, elements left by the crew of the object and the participation of scientific personnel for the survey; the dream case ...
To analyze what can be hidden after an episode of such spectacularity, it is mandatory that we analyze point by point the details of the experience with all the data we have available. For now we must say that except for the outstanding researcher Jacques Vallée, no recognized Western ufologist has come to the city of Voronezh with the intention of unveiling the enigma.
For the moment it suffices to say, for anyone who thinks that the matter can be solved at a stroke, that Vallée himself in his book UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, co-written with the scientific journalist of the prestigious daily Le Figaro, Martine Castello , asserts that there are signs of reality in it. In his visit to the town in 1990, although he was not at all convinced of what happened, he discovered that he could have been misinformed from the beginning so that the landing fell into oblivion and was not taken seriously beyond Russian borders.
Many data and information may not fit the true nature of the phenomenon manifested in Voronezh. The use of the ummite symbol is one of the questions that most made Vallée doubt at first about the credibility of the landing, and in turn would confirm, once all the investigations were developed, the possible participation of "external agents" to the witnesses for add fraudulent details to the experience. The manipulation obviously has to have a purpose: to subtract credibility from an event and create confusion, therefore something of reality must have been behind the singular UFO episode.
As an example of the interest in settling the matter by the fast track, let's see the following press release reproduced only two days later: "The correspondent of Tass who gave the notification of the UFOs, a lover of vodka". "The deputy chief editor of the Soviet news agency Tass, Igor Yefimov, said he does not believe in the story of the UFO in the Russian city of Voronezh, broadcast the day before yesterday by a correspondent of the agency known for his love of vodka. 'The reporter Vladimir Ledebev should examine the case with a magnifying glass,' said Yefimov.
With this new panorama of events we can face a review of what happened in Voronezh and try to clarify what happened that afternoon in a populous Russian town that has gone through its own merits to the annals of international ufology as one of the most debated, controversial events and media that have been known.
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