The reasons for the top secret about the topic of aliens
The extraordinary secrecy of everything connected with UFO research, surpasses even what was done in the creation of the first atomic bomb. And the level of secrecy in the United States is so high that access to information on these issues can be denied even to the president and the director of the CIA.
It is known that certain circles prevented the efforts of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter and Clinton to penetrate the depth of a number of UFO research projects that are increasingly out of control of the US government. The leaders of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the leaders of the Congress do not have access to these questions.

Measures are also being taken to hush up the problem altogether, or, moreover, to try and prove that there are no UFOs at all, and there are no studies of them.
The third reason for the unprecedented secrecy of the UFO problem, according to the French National Defense Research Institute, is the US desire at all costs to preserve the technological superiority gained as a result of studying UFOs and the possibility of privileged contact with aliens.
In the conditions of the "cold" war, an important reason for the top secret was also the fear that opponents of the United States could benefit from the discoveries made by American scientists in the field of technology and technology of aliens. And in the heated situation of the "cold" war, even a relatively small opening in this area could change the balance of power.
Interesting thoughts about the reasons for such a high secrecy of the UFO problem were expressed by the director of the American ufological organization CSETI, Dr. Stephen Greer.
In his opinion, such extraordinary secrecy is caused by a combination of a number of reasons and except for the ones mentioned above there is one more, which he regards as the main one. Justifying it, Greer writes that as a result of an intensive study of the UFO crash victims, fundamentally new methods and technologies for energy supply and movement of extraterrestrial aircraft were discovered. The use of these methods in all branches of energy and industry would make unnecessary the use of internal combustion engines and power plants, and therefore, do not need a huge amount of oil, gas, coal, do not need the creation of nuclear reactors.
The use of electrogravity devices would allow carrying out all transportation over the Earth's surface and would eliminate the need for railways, motor transport and navigation.
But the declassification of information on Earth visits by extraterrestrial civilizations and the results of research into their fundamentally new high technologies would inevitably lead to attempts by all countries to master these technologies, after which all major companies in the fuel and energy complex and transport corporations could go bankrupt, the collapse of securities in all countries , a sharp rise in unemployment and chaos throughout the global economy.
As a result of the development of new energy supply systems, Third World countries can quickly reach parity with the United States, developed European countries and Japan, which will lead to a shift in geopolitical power. And neither leaders of leading states, nor persons holding all information on extraterrestrial technologies under their control, agree to this.
Therefore, the main reason for the top-secret nature of everything connected with UFOs, according to Greer, is to in no case prevent such a development of events.
One of the important reasons for the top secret in the field of UFOs is also the need to hide everything from aliens (as far as possible) that American scientists are engaged in intensified research of these objects in order not only to try to create similar objects themselves, but also to develop means of protection against and fighting against UFOs .At the same time, Americans fear that such actions can cause an extremely negative reaction from extraterrestrial civilizations sending their ships to Earth.
But the preservation of the top secret led to the fact that the secret group of persons guiding the UFO studies, appropriated a monopoly right and the establishment of relationships with visiting civilizations. And this can lead to the fact that in a situation of complete secrecy, this group will uncontrollably make important and dangerous decisions for humanity in response to actions against aliens or, conversely, to grant them too much rights.
The leadership of our country takes the strange position of completely concealing the problem of UFOs. Neither in the USSR, nor in the Russian Federation, in fact, any major statesman ever even mentioned UFOs.
Colonel Corso writes that, apparently, an appropriate agreement was reached between the US and the USSR on observing such secrecy.
It is known that certain circles prevented the efforts of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter and Clinton to penetrate the depth of a number of UFO research projects that are increasingly out of control of the US government. The leaders of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the leaders of the Congress do not have access to these questions.

Measures are also being taken to hush up the problem altogether, or, moreover, to try and prove that there are no UFOs at all, and there are no studies of them.
Initially, it was believed that information about UFOs is hidden in order to avoid panic among the population if it learns about the visits of our planet to other civilizations. One of the reasons for the secrecy regarding UFOs in the 1950s-1960s was also the fear of undermining the authority of the authorities, unable to explain these phenomena, and lowering the prestige of the armed forces that were unable to withstand airspace violations by these objects.
The third reason for the unprecedented secrecy of the UFO problem, according to the French National Defense Research Institute, is the US desire at all costs to preserve the technological superiority gained as a result of studying UFOs and the possibility of privileged contact with aliens.
In the conditions of the "cold" war, an important reason for the top secret was also the fear that opponents of the United States could benefit from the discoveries made by American scientists in the field of technology and technology of aliens. And in the heated situation of the "cold" war, even a relatively small opening in this area could change the balance of power.
Interesting thoughts about the reasons for such a high secrecy of the UFO problem were expressed by the director of the American ufological organization CSETI, Dr. Stephen Greer.
In his opinion, such extraordinary secrecy is caused by a combination of a number of reasons and except for the ones mentioned above there is one more, which he regards as the main one. Justifying it, Greer writes that as a result of an intensive study of the UFO crash victims, fundamentally new methods and technologies for energy supply and movement of extraterrestrial aircraft were discovered. The use of these methods in all branches of energy and industry would make unnecessary the use of internal combustion engines and power plants, and therefore, do not need a huge amount of oil, gas, coal, do not need the creation of nuclear reactors.
The use of electrogravity devices would allow carrying out all transportation over the Earth's surface and would eliminate the need for railways, motor transport and navigation.
But the declassification of information on Earth visits by extraterrestrial civilizations and the results of research into their fundamentally new high technologies would inevitably lead to attempts by all countries to master these technologies, after which all major companies in the fuel and energy complex and transport corporations could go bankrupt, the collapse of securities in all countries , a sharp rise in unemployment and chaos throughout the global economy.
As a result of the development of new energy supply systems, Third World countries can quickly reach parity with the United States, developed European countries and Japan, which will lead to a shift in geopolitical power. And neither leaders of leading states, nor persons holding all information on extraterrestrial technologies under their control, agree to this.
Therefore, the main reason for the top-secret nature of everything connected with UFOs, according to Greer, is to in no case prevent such a development of events.
One of the important reasons for the top secret in the field of UFOs is also the need to hide everything from aliens (as far as possible) that American scientists are engaged in intensified research of these objects in order not only to try to create similar objects themselves, but also to develop means of protection against and fighting against UFOs .At the same time, Americans fear that such actions can cause an extremely negative reaction from extraterrestrial civilizations sending their ships to Earth.
But the preservation of the top secret led to the fact that the secret group of persons guiding the UFO studies, appropriated a monopoly right and the establishment of relationships with visiting civilizations. And this can lead to the fact that in a situation of complete secrecy, this group will uncontrollably make important and dangerous decisions for humanity in response to actions against aliens or, conversely, to grant them too much rights.
The leadership of our country takes the strange position of completely concealing the problem of UFOs. Neither in the USSR, nor in the Russian Federation, in fact, any major statesman ever even mentioned UFOs.
Colonel Corso writes that, apparently, an appropriate agreement was reached between the US and the USSR on observing such secrecy.
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