Aliens here for a long time, just before we almost did not notice them
All January the domestic media cited the interview of former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hälje in every way. In fact, the story of UFOs and aliens Heli tells as much from 2005. Then his revelations really became sensational. But, as is usually the case with similar stories, the information wave has subsided, and the owners of the flying saucers may not yet worry about the exposure.

The last interview of the Canadian again forced the press to raise the issue of the presence of aliens on Earth, although he did not say anything fundamentally new to the world. The most important thing is that there is no evidence of lethal power behind words that would finally put an end to the question of the presence of aliens on Earth.
One of the oldest and most respected organizations in our country, seriously studying the issue of the presence of UFOs on Earth, Kosmopoisk published an observation report on the UFOSETI program for 2013. "A total of 202 reports were received during the year, which is comparable to the data for previous years. Almost 100 messages were received from Russia, more than 30 from CIS countries (mainly from Ukraine), more than 60 from other countries of the world. So far, the explanation for "terrestrial" reasons has received 27 messages ... As in the previous year, up to 95% of incoming photos and videos are identified as not containing images of any anomalous objects. Often they are taken for interference, but there are also cases of intentional forgery, "Kosmopoisk reports.
This study once again confirms that words are words, and we should have a picture of the HD format, where a UFO is undoubtedly captured, and not in the form of a flashed comet.

The last interview of the Canadian again forced the press to raise the issue of the presence of aliens on Earth, although he did not say anything fundamentally new to the world. The most important thing is that there is no evidence of lethal power behind words that would finally put an end to the question of the presence of aliens on Earth.
In the famous film Men in Black, Agent Kay (Tommy Lee Jones), the latest news about aliens comes from the cheap tabloids. He took the newspaper out of the garbage can, he said that the whole truth about UFOs was in these publications. However, there are no reports of UFOs, yes, they also skip in solid publications, to which Russia Today can also be referred. In response to these reports, the Mail Online site (also not a supernumerary resource) broke out with a large publication. All this made me turn to the sources that Agent Kay mentioned, and not just to them, to see the latest news about aliens.
One of the oldest and most respected organizations in our country, seriously studying the issue of the presence of UFOs on Earth, Kosmopoisk published an observation report on the UFOSETI program for 2013. "A total of 202 reports were received during the year, which is comparable to the data for previous years. Almost 100 messages were received from Russia, more than 30 from CIS countries (mainly from Ukraine), more than 60 from other countries of the world. So far, the explanation for "terrestrial" reasons has received 27 messages ... As in the previous year, up to 95% of incoming photos and videos are identified as not containing images of any anomalous objects. Often they are taken for interference, but there are also cases of intentional forgery, "Kosmopoisk reports.
This study once again confirms that words are words, and we should have a picture of the HD format, where a UFO is undoubtedly captured, and not in the form of a flashed comet.
Aliens have been here for a long time, we just did not notice it for the time being. Shot from the film "Alien Among Us", 1988
Nevertheless, the flow of news about strange phenomena does not stop. January 17 Mail Online talks about the mysterious triangular object found on the Moon using Google Moon. Its dimensions are so large that it can be identified as an alien base on the Moon. Also the author of this find claims that something similar was recently discovered in Antarctica. Probably, we are talking about a source of strange short-wave radiation allegedly found in Antarctica near the Neumeier station at a depth of about 100 feet.
In this regard, immediately on the mind comes the story of the expedition of the US Navy to the coast of Antarctica immediately after the end of World War II. It is said that a group of warships was attacked by a UFO and barely carried away its legs. Naturally, all information about the incident was classified.
On January 23, the British media disseminated information about the incident that occurred last summer. Pilots of a civil airliner almost collided in the air with a UFO near Heathrow Airport (London). According to the commander of the aircraft, the object, similar to a rugby ball, was crossing the course. The pilot expected any impact on the plane from the side of the UFO (collision), but this did not happen. The object disappeared. The pilot reported to the dispatchers a little later. The presence of terrestrial objects (balls, probes, etc.) was excluded. To explain what the pilots saw, so no one could.
Euronews on January 7 reported with reference to the local police that the UFO violated the well-coordinated work of the airport of Bremen (Germany). The object was fixed on the radar, but what this phenomenon is, remains incomprehensible. As a result of the incident, the routes of several flights were changed. By the way, the reports of pilots of both civil and military aviation, perhaps, can be attributed to the most reliable. Every fact of the meeting is officially documented.
In this regard, immediately on the mind comes the story of the expedition of the US Navy to the coast of Antarctica immediately after the end of World War II. It is said that a group of warships was attacked by a UFO and barely carried away its legs. Naturally, all information about the incident was classified.
On January 23, the British media disseminated information about the incident that occurred last summer. Pilots of a civil airliner almost collided in the air with a UFO near Heathrow Airport (London). According to the commander of the aircraft, the object, similar to a rugby ball, was crossing the course. The pilot expected any impact on the plane from the side of the UFO (collision), but this did not happen. The object disappeared. The pilot reported to the dispatchers a little later. The presence of terrestrial objects (balls, probes, etc.) was excluded. To explain what the pilots saw, so no one could.
Euronews on January 7 reported with reference to the local police that the UFO violated the well-coordinated work of the airport of Bremen (Germany). The object was fixed on the radar, but what this phenomenon is, remains incomprehensible. As a result of the incident, the routes of several flights were changed. By the way, the reports of pilots of both civil and military aviation, perhaps, can be attributed to the most reliable. Every fact of the meeting is officially documented.
Half a century ago, this seemed to be a meeting of "advanced" earthlings with the aborigines of Mars. Illustration from A. Kazantsev's book "Grandsons of Mars", 1963. Artist Yu. Makarov
The web has long been a document declassified by the British, containing reports of pilots about meetings with UFOs. The document is so voluminous and informative that it is impossible to name absolutely all observations by illusion.
In addition to the Moon and Mars, where corrosive enthusiasts find signs of the presence of aliens, using officially published pictures, a big resonance last year was caused by reports about the appearance of huge mysterious objects in the immediate vicinity of our luminary. One of the most recent messages is dated January 20, when a strange square object was again revealed in the photos of the Sun, made by NASA devices. This time, UFO Sightings Daily writes, the UFO is not as closely associated with the luminary as it used to be. The press put forward a variety of versions of these phenomena: from a banal marriage in the production of photographs to the fact that we are watching a refueling of an alien spaceship. Official science, of course, is silent.
But the most exciting message of the last time belongs not to the Canadian minister in retirement, but to fans of the conspiracy theory. They consider (in their opinion - not without reason) that Russia through Edward Snowden has access to classified documents of the US National Security Agency, which contain irrefutable evidence of the active activities of aliens on Earth. They allegedly long ago seized power in the United States, and global surveillance is the work of the newcomers.
There are questions: where do the people in black look and why did they allow such arbitrariness? Although the statements of the conspiracy theorists are somewhat echoed with the statements of Paul Hälje.
If we gather together all the facts of the appearance of UFOs on Earth and in the Solar System, collected from the late 40s of the last century, it turns out that near-Earth space and the Earth itself are literally flooded with aliens.This, in fact, tells the year the whole world Paul Helye, and this is warned by enthusiastic enthusiasts. But once again I want to note: this is all just words. We can believe them, but we can accept them as an exciting but still fantastic story.
The main question, for which there is no reasonable answer: if the aliens are here, then why? The answers that follow from our ideas and logic do not stand up to criticism. They are allegedly watching us and are "very concerned that we can use nuclear weapons again, and because the Cosmos is unity," says Helle.
So you want to say: "Come on!" Races that have hyperspace technologies, our antediluvian bomb is scary no more than firecrackers, and even more they do not care about what the nuclear conflict will end for us. We are still trying to apply the logic generated by the human mind to assessing the actions of aliens, if they exist and are among us.
Another popular statement: "They need our resources". Oh really? Once needed, so long ago would have taken what was necessary. And then, what kind of resources do We have, what do not They have? Even more absurd is the "seizure of power." Why do a group of aliens, consisting of several dozen races (as Helle says), power over mankind? Even on Earth there are people who do not care about the power as a target. According to Helier, a representative group of aliens gathered on the outskirts of the Galaxy, solely to guide several billion primitive beings, who in most cases are so "reasonable" that they can not agree on elementary things: ecology, peaceful coexistence, rational use of natural resources.
It is also noteworthy that speculation on the subject of UFOs comes up most often during the period of various crises. Here, the most likely theory is another theory, which is closer to us: distraction of the attention of society and the press from earthly realities (war, famine, environmental problems, oil crises, etc.). And UFOs are only part of the system of actions for "noodle hanging".
According to the estimates of Solomon Shulman, the author of the book "Aliens over Russia" (1990), 5 million people since the end of the XIX century have encountered the UFO phenomenon in different parts of the globe. "If they fly at all, it is logical to assume that the density of their flights over the globe is about the same, especially since information about them came from 133 countries," Shulman said.
Of course, we could not analyze hundreds of thousands - and, perhaps, millions! - reports on the observation of UFOs. But some fairly representative bibliographic sample from the same book of Solomon Shulman and several other similar publications (altogether - about 300 references) was "scratched" with a pencil in hands. The task was simple: to make the frequency distribution of mentioning the UFO subject in the Russian-language periodicals by years. Time interval - from 1956 to 2002. This distribution has four distinctly pronounced "bulges": 1966-1973, 1978-1980, 1989-1992, 1999-2002.
Further, it only remained to impose these "bulges" on the historical outline.
And here is another "bulge" in the frequency of mentioning UFOs. There's no need to say with what events such activity of "aliens" can be connected. They, events, as never before: from the global economic crisis to the revelations of the same Snowden.
So, the frequency of the growth of publications on UFOs is a very reliable indicator of the upcoming geopolitical and technogenic cataclysms.
In addition to the Moon and Mars, where corrosive enthusiasts find signs of the presence of aliens, using officially published pictures, a big resonance last year was caused by reports about the appearance of huge mysterious objects in the immediate vicinity of our luminary. One of the most recent messages is dated January 20, when a strange square object was again revealed in the photos of the Sun, made by NASA devices. This time, UFO Sightings Daily writes, the UFO is not as closely associated with the luminary as it used to be. The press put forward a variety of versions of these phenomena: from a banal marriage in the production of photographs to the fact that we are watching a refueling of an alien spaceship. Official science, of course, is silent.
But the most exciting message of the last time belongs not to the Canadian minister in retirement, but to fans of the conspiracy theory. They consider (in their opinion - not without reason) that Russia through Edward Snowden has access to classified documents of the US National Security Agency, which contain irrefutable evidence of the active activities of aliens on Earth. They allegedly long ago seized power in the United States, and global surveillance is the work of the newcomers.
There are questions: where do the people in black look and why did they allow such arbitrariness? Although the statements of the conspiracy theorists are somewhat echoed with the statements of Paul Hälje.
If we gather together all the facts of the appearance of UFOs on Earth and in the Solar System, collected from the late 40s of the last century, it turns out that near-Earth space and the Earth itself are literally flooded with aliens.This, in fact, tells the year the whole world Paul Helye, and this is warned by enthusiastic enthusiasts. But once again I want to note: this is all just words. We can believe them, but we can accept them as an exciting but still fantastic story.
The main question, for which there is no reasonable answer: if the aliens are here, then why? The answers that follow from our ideas and logic do not stand up to criticism. They are allegedly watching us and are "very concerned that we can use nuclear weapons again, and because the Cosmos is unity," says Helle.
So you want to say: "Come on!" Races that have hyperspace technologies, our antediluvian bomb is scary no more than firecrackers, and even more they do not care about what the nuclear conflict will end for us. We are still trying to apply the logic generated by the human mind to assessing the actions of aliens, if they exist and are among us.
Another popular statement: "They need our resources". Oh really? Once needed, so long ago would have taken what was necessary. And then, what kind of resources do We have, what do not They have? Even more absurd is the "seizure of power." Why do a group of aliens, consisting of several dozen races (as Helle says), power over mankind? Even on Earth there are people who do not care about the power as a target. According to Helier, a representative group of aliens gathered on the outskirts of the Galaxy, solely to guide several billion primitive beings, who in most cases are so "reasonable" that they can not agree on elementary things: ecology, peaceful coexistence, rational use of natural resources.
It is also noteworthy that speculation on the subject of UFOs comes up most often during the period of various crises. Here, the most likely theory is another theory, which is closer to us: distraction of the attention of society and the press from earthly realities (war, famine, environmental problems, oil crises, etc.). And UFOs are only part of the system of actions for "noodle hanging".
According to the estimates of Solomon Shulman, the author of the book "Aliens over Russia" (1990), 5 million people since the end of the XIX century have encountered the UFO phenomenon in different parts of the globe. "If they fly at all, it is logical to assume that the density of their flights over the globe is about the same, especially since information about them came from 133 countries," Shulman said.
Of course, we could not analyze hundreds of thousands - and, perhaps, millions! - reports on the observation of UFOs. But some fairly representative bibliographic sample from the same book of Solomon Shulman and several other similar publications (altogether - about 300 references) was "scratched" with a pencil in hands. The task was simple: to make the frequency distribution of mentioning the UFO subject in the Russian-language periodicals by years. Time interval - from 1956 to 2002. This distribution has four distinctly pronounced "bulges": 1966-1973, 1978-1980, 1989-1992, 1999-2002.
Further, it only remained to impose these "bulges" on the historical outline.
1947: Marshall Plan for Western Europe. The construction of the Transaravian pipeline for oil from Saudi Arabia begins.
1951: Mossadegh nationalizes the "Anglo-Iranian" company (the first post-war oil crisis).
1956: The Suez Crisis (the second post-war oil crisis). Oil is found in Algeria and Nigeria.
1967: Six Day War, the Suez Canal is closed (the third post-war crisis).
1973: the Yom Kippur War; Arab oil embargo (the fourth post-war crisis). The price of oil rises from $ 2.9 (September) to $ 11.65 (December). A decision was made on the Alaska Pipeline. Watergate scandal is deepening. (Curious line: the most "productive" for the number of recorded UFO months of the year are August and September.)
1979-1981: panic inflates oil prices from $ 13 to $ 34 per barrel (the fifth post-war crisis).
1986: falling oil prices. Chernobyl disaster.
1990: Iraq's invasion of Kuwait (the sixth post-war crisis).
1999-2002: rising oil prices. Elections of George W. Bush. President of the United States.
2003, March: the beginning of the military operation of the United States and its allies against Iraq.
And here is another "bulge" in the frequency of mentioning UFOs. There's no need to say with what events such activity of "aliens" can be connected. They, events, as never before: from the global economic crisis to the revelations of the same Snowden.
So, the frequency of the growth of publications on UFOs is a very reliable indicator of the upcoming geopolitical and technogenic cataclysms.
Using the facts, at the moment we can only say that there is something that does not lend itself to description, clear fixation, registration and explanation in understandable terms. It is on Earth and in near-Earth space. And the further we explore the cosmos, the closer we come to the answers to many questions. If they are aliens, then the capture of the Earth in their plans is unlikely to enter. Probably, if we were extraterrestrials in another world, the idea of capture would be one of those considered. But where is the guarantee that everyone thinks like most of the earthlings?
Most likely, the aliens are solving issues that even to us now can not come, and from time to time we observe their movements in space and between spaces. It's hard to believe the unsubstantiated statements of ex-officials, but you can believe pilots, astronauts and astronauts, many of whom nose to nose met with what can not yet be explained. Often they certainly know what they are talking about, but do not talk about it to us.
And the fact that the authorities hide from the world the terabytes of information of various kinds, including scientific ones, is not a secret in itself. One can for certain say that now someone is digging up an ancient UFO, for example, in Antarctica, then we probably will not wait for an official statement, if someone or something does not force the authorities to do it.
Most likely, the aliens are solving issues that even to us now can not come, and from time to time we observe their movements in space and between spaces. It's hard to believe the unsubstantiated statements of ex-officials, but you can believe pilots, astronauts and astronauts, many of whom nose to nose met with what can not yet be explained. Often they certainly know what they are talking about, but do not talk about it to us.
And the fact that the authorities hide from the world the terabytes of information of various kinds, including scientific ones, is not a secret in itself. One can for certain say that now someone is digging up an ancient UFO, for example, in Antarctica, then we probably will not wait for an official statement, if someone or something does not force the authorities to do it.
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